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        I constantly sound like a broken record, the Freshman Leadership Program is great, the Freshman Leadership Program is amazing, I live the Freshman Leadership Program. But honestly, the Freshman Leadership Program has meant so much more to than words can describe. The floor, seminars, service it combined has made my first year of college at Creighton University by far one of the most memorable years of my life. In high school, I have a distinct friend that I always hung out with. Coming to Creighton University, I didn't have that; I felt alone and didn't have anyone that I knew beside me. The first few days were scary. Who was I going to hang out with, would I fit in, and could I possibly make my room in Kiewit 902 as comfortable as my room at home. Fear began to run through my mind as the welcome weak leaders quickly took all my belongings up nine flights. It was weird seeing boxes of my life strategically place throughout my tiny room shared one other person. 
        It's hard to believe that one person can come so far in life in less than 7 months. I honestly feel like a new person with a different outlook on life. Coming to college, I was a unconfident and reserved kid who grabbed his phone and looked down when passing someone they knew. I've always been afraid of what people will think of me. Creighton forces friendships, whether it's because of its small size and cosy atmosphere or because of their constant need for icebreakers every moment of everyday... I'll let you decide. I found most of my friend through the Freshman Leadership Program. For some reason the floor just screams BE FREINDS WITH ME! It's like magic. I found my connection with the floor through one of those nifty icebreakers. We went around the room and shared our talents where I was then forced to sing for the entire floor. It took a while learning all the names, but it was almost effortless because we always hung out together. This quickly changed me from the shy tall kid to the social bubbly kid that everyone knows today.
        In the Freshman Leadership Program, we are given families of 3 guys and 3 girls with 2 mentors. I honestly could not have asked for a better family. We may disagree, we may fight, but it's alway with love. Christina, our mom, is the most dedicated and loving person I know. Saurabh always taught me responsibility and respect for everyone and everything. Meg shows hows strong one individual can be while still being so gentle and kind. Jamie brings the sass to the family but still finds a way to make each of us feel important. Sarah... well Sarah is Sarah; loving, sweet, and a great friend. Jack is always innovative, he keeps all of us on our toes and is not afraid to speak his mind. Lastly, Alex is dependable, he's the type of guy that everyone needs in their life, one that will be there for you through thick and thin. Each of us are different, but we make one big family that is beyond perfection.

        Through this program, I have changed complete from who I was leader wise. I was more of a follower, or so I thought. During the Freshman Leadership Program Retreat, my mom asked my music teach if she would write a letter to me talking briefly about leadership. She showed me how much of an impact I had on our music program and how while we all had our trials, that program was my triumph. But I feel as though I could do more, I have learned different ways to engage others, to recognize the differences, to embrace what we have to work with and use my core values that I have had from start to lead others through.

        My knowledge excites me for next year as I will be able to lead six new incoming freshman through the program that I hold so dear. And while I have a lot to still learn, I know that I will be able to help make these freshman as empowered and comfortable and loved and respected and blessed as I felt. THANK YOU to everyone for making this possible. 





"Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive that is youer than you!"

                    -Dr. Seuss

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